If you wish to allow student to record their own attendance, when setting up session(s) in the Moodle attendance activity as outline in the How to add sessions to Moodle Attendance activity article, navigate to the Student recording section in the Add Session tab.
  1. Select the Allow students to record own attendance checkbox. 

  2. Allow students to record own attendance checkbox
  3. Automatic marking is set to Disabled by default, this is to allows the student or course owner to update attendance records manually.

  4. If Yes is selected students will be automatically marked depending on their first access to the course. If Set unmarked at the end of session any students who have not marked their attendance will be set to the unmarked status selected.
  5. Automatic marking dropdown list

  6. A password and / or QR code can be set up to allow students access to update their attendance records for the session:

  • Populate password in the text field available if you wish to apply a specific password.
  • Select the Random password checkbox to avail of an automatically generated password.

    Student password field and random password checkbox
  • Select the Include QR code Checkbox to generate QR code for the specific session(s).

    Include QR code checkbox
  • Select the Rotate QR code Checkbox to generate unique QR code every 15 seconds.Rotate QR code checkbox
  • Select the Automatically select highest status available checkbox if you wish to automatically assign the highest grade available to students.
    Automatically select highest status checkbox

Note: that if this section is left blank, no password or QR code will be applied.

  1. Under the Show more dropdown section, the Require network address checkbox is selected by default.
  2. Once the Student recording section is populated chick on the Add button on the base of the screen to update the session details.
  3. The session details will be available to view from the Sessions tab in the attendance activity. The password and / or the QR code are available by clicking on the Password icon to the right on the specific session.
  4. Password icon highlight to the right of the sesion details
  5. Click on the Show QR Code link to open the QR code to make available to students.