- Once the Moodle Attendance Activity has been added to your course page, click on the activity to update the session details.
- Click on the Add session tab on the top of the screen.
- Input session date and time you wish to add to the
attendance activity.
- Note that Create calendar event for session is selected by default.
- If you have multiple sessions for example, a lecture weekly, click on the Multiple sessions dropdown menu and select the Repeat the sessions above as follows checkbox.
- Update accordingly how often you would like the session repeated based specific days of the week or based on weekly reoccurrence (e.g. every 1,2,3... weekly).
- Update the end date for which you would like the sessions repeated until.
- Once complete, click on
the Add button on the
base of the screen.
- The session(s) will be available to
view and edit in the Sessions
- Repeat the process if you have
another type of session (for example if the
length or cadence varies) to set up that is
not captured in the multiple session set
- If you would like to allow students to
record their own attendance -
see How to set up students
self-recording attendance in
Moodle attendance