A Database is a collection of organised and managed content often on a specific topic: 
  • Files
  • Images
  • Weblinks
  • Text

Moodle's Database activity can be added to a course page as a resource.

  • Navigate to your your course page and click on the Edit mode button on the top right on the screen to turn editing on.
Edit mode button

  • In the section of your page that you want to add a Database, go to the bottom of the section and click +Add and activity or resource.
Add activity or resource button
  • Select Database from the Activity Chooser list:
Activity chooser list with Database activity highlighted

  • Fill-in the Name and Description in the General section of the edit screen.
General section of Database settings
  • Set your Entries requirements.
Entries section of Database settings
  • Explore the other settings in the editing page.
Other available Database settings

  • Once complete, save your edits by clicking on Save and return to course or Save and display on the base of the screen.
Save and return to course and Save and display buttons
  • If you click Save and display you will be brought directly to your new database page, or you can access your database from your course page.
Database set up screen

The Database screen has three options available to start building your database activity:

  • Click on the Create a field menu dropdown to manually create fields based on the dropdown list available.
Create a database dropdown list
  • Click on Import a preset to import a preset.
Import a preset button
  • Click on Use a preset to use one of the 3 new presets (added to Moodle 4.1) included in the activity.
Use a preset button
If you select the Use a preset option, this takes you to a page where you can select a preset. Click on the name of the desired preset to preview it; select on the radio button of your choice to use the desired preset and then the Use this preset at the bottom right of the screen.
Presets screen where you can select from available presets; the selection radio button, the preset name link and use this preset button highlighted

You can find more information on the Database activity in Moodle on the MoodleDoc's website.