In addition to using saved QuickMark comments, you can add bespoke ‘bubble’ or in-line text comments to a student’s paper. Bubble comments are bespoke comments which the student needs to click on to view. In-line text comments are bespoke comments which appear in-line on the student’s paper.

To add bubble comments or in-line text comments on a student’s paper:

  • Click on the area of the paper that you wish the comment to appear, then select either the Bubble Comment or Inline Comment icon:

Comment tab clicked, indicating the choice of Bubble comments or Inline comments.

  • Enter the comment in the text box provided.
Comment box openned against submission.

  • Click outside of the text box to save the comment.

Basic editing and hyperlinks can be applied to bubble comments, but not to inline text comments. Bubble comments can be saved as QuickMarks, but inline comments cannot.

Both bubble and inline comments can be moved by clicking and dragging the comment around the paper. They can be deleted by hovering the mouse pointer over the comment and using the bin icon:

Comments can be deleted by clicking the delete icon in the bottom left corner of each comment.