Turnitin Feedback Studio can be used to communicate detailed, in-line feedback on students’ written assignments. You can choose to annotate directly on to the student’s assignment using pre-prepared QuickMark comments, written ‘bubble’ comments or in-line text comments.

Using QuickMark Comments

A QuickMark is Turnitin’s term for reusable feedback comments. They allow you to use the same sets of comments across your modules and assignments, without the need to re-write them each time you are reviewing students’ work. Turnitin provides you with a pre-written set of comments and phrases under headings such as ‘composition’ and ‘punctuation’. You can also create and use your own sets of comments and phrases.

Note: When using Turnitin QuickMarks to communicate detailed feedback on students’ work you are advised to use the Mozilla Firefox browser.

To use QuickMarks:

  • Open the relevant Moodle course page.
  • Click the Turnitin assignment link. This will open the Turnitin Submission Inbox
  • To access Turnitin's grading tools, click the blue pencil icon in the Grade column of a student’s submission:
Turnitin editing blue pencil icon.

The Turnitin document viewer opens.

  • Click the QuickMarks icon.
    QuickMarks icon on Turnitin editing taskbar.

  • Select a set of comments using the Change QuickMark Set dropdown list:
QuickMarks Set dropdown list.

  • To add a comment to the assignment, select the comment and drag and drop it on to the relevant section of the paper.
Quoted text in the comment field to be dragged and dropped into the relevant section.

  • To associate a highlighted sentence with a QuickMark comment, first select the relevant sentence and then click on the QuickMark icon that appears beside the highlighted text:
Highlighting a sentence to comment in QuickMark.

  • Select the QuickMark comment you wish to add:
QuickMark comment options.

  • The comment will then be placed at the end of the selected text:
Comment shown at the end of a passage, with detials clicked.

  • To edit a QuickMark comment that has already been placed on a paper, select the comment, and scroll to the bottom. This allows you to enter additional comments or change the colour of the highlighted text:

Editing comments or adding comments to feedback.