Locate on click on your Mahara portfolio page from the dashboard.

Image of My portfolios list with arrow highlighting Mahara assignment

Click on the pencil icon on the right panel of the screen to edit.

Image with arrow highlighting pencil icon

Click on the plus icon to add content or artifact.

Image with arrow highlighting plus icon

Select position of block to bottom or top (this can be moved on the portfolio page at a later point) and click on Add.
Image with arrow highlighting add button
Fill in your the desired block title.

Click on Show more (x4 times) to expand full list of content types. To embed multi-media from external site e.g. YuJa, click on external media.

Image of list of content types with external media icon circled and arrow to highlight
Fill the requited details:

  • Copy the embed code from the external media source.
  • Paste this embed code into the field provided
Image with arrown highlighting URL or embed code text box field
  • Additional fields Width, Height, Tags and Retractable options can be updated if required

Note: the embedded block can be resized directly on the portfolio page once the block is added.

  • Finally, click on the Save button on the base of the screen.
Image highlighting save button