Moodle Boards can be used with groups or as a whole class activity. Currently the identity of students posts are anonymous. 

Group mode, which can be found under Common Module settings can be utilized for this Moodle activity. 
  • Separate Groups: Each group can only see their own group work, others are invisible
  • Visible Groups: Each group works in their own group, but can also see work created by the other groups. 
Navigate to the Moodle board and click on the Settings tab. Select either Separate groups or Visible groups from Group mode dropdown options based on set up preferences.
Common module settings with Group mode dropdown Seperate and Visible groups options highlighted

Restrict Access, which can also be found in Board settings, can also be a useful feature when using Groups with Boards. Boards can be restricted to only allow for certain group access and the whole activity can be made invisible to other groups. 

Restrict Access settings

We would recommend using the Restrict access setting when using groups with Boards. If there are a vast number of submissions from students this can be hard to organise when only having one Board activity. The Restrict Access setting is the better option as it means having separate Boards for groups/groupings. 

Once complete with updating relevant settings, click on Save and display on the base of the settings screen.