Open your (or a shared) OneDrive location. It is good practice to use a specifically created Shared folder and to make specific shares within this folder (as this allows you to keep track on what has been shared in the event you need to un-share).

Give your Share folder a descriptive name so you know its contents. Add your video(s)/documents and attach the share at a folder level (to allow all files within the folder to be shared).

On the Folder name line, locate the Share option and access it:

  • Click on the share options to select the Specific people share option (by default under Other settings the Allow editing is disabled and Block Download is enabled – adjust these as required);

link settings, share with spesific people
  • When returned to the Send link display enter the Team name (i.e. Y21_LD901…) and add any other individuals required;

  • When you have added the required share audience, you can create a message to send to that audience which they will receive by email or you can click on the Copy Link. This link can be pasted onto a Moodle URL resource for easier access to files for students. 

    copy link to OneDrive folder