To edit a course introduction on your Moodle page.

  1. Navigate to your course page and click on the Edit mode button on the top right of the screen.
  2. Edit mode button
  3. The course introduction is now located in the Module Information and Essentials section of your course template. To edit this section click on the + icon to expand the section.
  4. Plus icon highlighted beside the module information and essentials
  5. Locate the Module Information area and click on the Ellipsis icon (...) on the right of the area and then click on the edit settings option from the dropdown.
  6. Ellipsis icon on the top right of the module information section highlighted and edit settings highlight from the menu
  7. The template provides guidelines of what to update. Update information, as desired in the Text field - note that there are a range of text and multimedia edit options available.
  8. Text and multimedia editor and Text field to edit information highlighted
  9. Once complete click on Save and return to course button on the base of the screen.
  10. Save and return to course button

2022-2023 Course pages

If you are working on a page that is still on the 3.9 version of Moodle theme, please refer to our article titled How do I edit the course introduction at the top of my 2022-23 Moodle page.