The Board activity is considered very intuitive.

For students to add content to a Board, select the + button underneath one of the header / board topics:

Moodle Board with the plus button highlighted

The student can then enter any information they wish by entering a post title and content. They can also add a URL, Upload an image or embed a Youtube video as part of their post.

Once complete, click on the Post button on the bottom right of the screen.

Moodle board post window with post button highlighted
Once the post is updated, it is available to view and edit on the Moodle board. There are three edit functions on the bottom left of their Moodle Board post:
  • Star Icon (if enabled for students) - allows the student to like or star their post and also their fellow students rate board posts
  • X Icon - available to delete post if student wishes to remove.
  • Pencil Icon - available to edit post if student wishes to edit their post.
Moodle Board post with star, delete and edit functions highlighted

Note: There is a maximum amount of text that can be placed into the content cell before the user is constrained and no longer permitted to add text. The content maximum is counted in letters (250 maximum) and any excess cannot be added.