Once you have chosen Moodle Lesson as your activity from the activity chooser. You will be directed to the settings of your Moodle Lesson.

General Settings

  • Name - Give your Lesson a descriptive name.
  • Description - Give your Lesson a description, possibly instructions on the lesson for the students. Select on Display description on course page checkbox if you wish to include Description on main course Moodle Page.
Moodle Lesson General Settings

Appearance Settings

  • Progress bar - Choose this to show a bar at the bottom of the page showing how far into the lesson the student has got.
  • Display menu - Choose this when you want to show a list of the content page titles in the Lesson to the student. 
Expand Appearance Settings by clicking on the expand arrow and the Show more... link to expand out the full list of settings. Set additional Appearance Settings if required.

Moodle Lesson Appearance settings with the expansion arrow and the Show more... link available highlighted
Flow Control Settings

  • Allow student review - Choose this to put a "Review Lesson" button on the last screen of the lesson to encourage the students to navigate through the lesson again.
  • Provide option to try a question again - Choose this to display a button after an incorrectly answered question so that the student can try again. 
  • Maximum number of attempts per question - Set how many times you want students to be able to attempt each question. 
Click on Show more... to expand and set additional Flow Control Settings if required.

Moodle Lesson Flow control settings with the expansion arrow and the Show more... link available highlighted

Other settings such as Availability and Grade can be explored and set as necessary. All other settings available for Lesson are standard for all Moodle activities - Common module settingsRestrict access and Competencies.

Other Moodle Lesson settings - Grade, Common module settings, Restrict acces, Activity completion and Competencies

Click on Save and Display to continue working on your lesson and add content. If you wish to select Save and return to course the activity will be available to see your course home page.

Save and display button