Note - It is very important to plan before of adding content to Moodle Lesson so you have a clear idea of the flow of the lesson in advance

Adding a content page can be used to present content to students. This type of page does not include questions or prompts for the students to respond to.

If this is the first content or question page, click on Add content page on the Lesson screen.

Edit Lesson screen with Add a content page link highlighted

If it is a subsequent content page that needs to be added, select Add content page from the dropdown.

Edit Lesson screen with Add a content page option highlighted from dropdown menu

On the edit content screen, enter the Page title

Editing content page title field highlighted

All editing and multimedia functions are available to view on the menu bar of the page contents window. Update the Page contents field as desired using the functions available. The content will appear in the blank window.

Page contents field with edit functions highlighted

The options to Arrange content buttons horizontally and Display in menu are automatically selected based on lesson settings. Users have the option to untick if they do not wish.

Arrange content buttons horrizontally and Display in menu checkbox options

Once the Page content is updated, update the Description field under Content 1 to reflect the name of the next content or question page in the lessons sequence. This may have been added to the lesson yet and also the reason why it is important to plan the lesson and sequence of lesson in advance. 

Leave the dropdown option beside the  Jump option to the default this page. 
It is recommended that
the Jump settings for each lesson page is updated once all lesson pages have been added.

Content 1 Description field and Jump dropdown available with This page option highlighted

Note - It is very important to plan the Moodle lesson in advance so you have a clear idea of sequence.

Content 2, 3, 4 and can be updated, if required once all the Moodle Lesson pages are updated.

Once complete, click on Save page button on the base of the screen.

Save page button