1. Navigate to your course page and click on the Edit mode button on the top right of the screen.
  2. Click on Add an activity or resource under the assignment (or desired section) section of your course and select on Assignment from the activity chooser list.
  3. Similar to other Moodle assignment set-ups, fill in the Assignment name and Description and upload additional files if required.Assignment title and description
  4. Under availability, add submission dates based on the assignment requirements.Assignment availability
  5. In order to set up a Mahara ePortfolio assignment, ensure to update the Submission types section of assignment set up. The File submissions checkbox will be selected by default. Unselect the File submission checkbox and select the Mahara portfolio checkbox.Assignment submission types with Mahara submission highlighted
  6. Ensure the Site selected Mary Immaculate College ePortfolio is selected under. This should be selected by default.                                                          Image show choose of Mahara ePortfolio site
  7. Select an option from the Lock submitted pages dropdown. When the student submits they can no longer make changes to that portfolio:
  8.  Lock submitted pages
    Students are able to update portfolio after submission.
     Yes, keep locked
    Students are unable to edit their portfolio even after the assignment is graded.
     Yes, but unlock after grading
     Students are unable to make further edits to their portfolio until the assignment is graded and feedback returned to them.
Image of locking portfolio options for grading

Once the assignment is set up, select the Save and return to course button on the base of the screen.
Image displaying save and return to course button
Students will now be able to see the assignment on the Moodle course page.
Example image of how an assignment will display once created