The Moodle Choice activity allows for student voting. 

  • Navigate to your course page and click on the Edit mode button on the top right of the screen to turn editing on. 

Edit mode button

  • In the section of you page that you want to add the Choice activity, go to the bottom of the section and click on + Add an activity or resource

Add activity or resource button

  • Select Choice from the list of Activities:
Activity chooser list with Choice activity highlighted

  • In the editing page under General input the name, description and choose to display horizontally or vertically.
General section of choice settings
  • Set up the voting mechanisms and choice options in the Options section.
Options section of choice settings with voting and choice options highlighted
  • Set availability, results, restrict access and other settings as necessary.
Other settings available in Choice settings

  • Once complete, click on Save and return to course or Save and display on the base of the screen.
Save and return to course and Save and display buttons

You can find more information on Choice activity in Moodle on the MoodleDoc's website.