URLs are direct web links for specific pages or items which you wish to reference. 

URL in web browser indicated.

In Moodle you have the option of listing URLs  as a resource on your course pages. 

  • Go to the top right of your course page click on the Edit mode button to turn editing on.
Edit Mode button

  • In the section of your page that you want to add a URL, go to the bottom of the section and click +Add an activity or resource.

Add activity or resource button
  • Navigate to the Resources tab and click on URL from the resources chooser.

Resources tab highlighted and URL button highlight from list

Note: Click on the star beside any frequently used activity and resource types, this will automatically save these activity or resource types to a Starred category.
Starred activity

  • Fill-in your URL information on the edit page, and insert the link from the original content webpage you want to appear. Be sure to give attribution in the description, and explore the other settings in the editing page.
Adding a new URL screen with External URL field highlighted

  • Click on  Save and return to course or Save and display to save your edits. Ensure to check that the link works from your course page.
Save and return to course and Save and display buttons highlighted