Turn editing on

To add a BigBlueButton session to your course page, you must first select click on the Edit mode button on the top right corner of the screen to turn editing on.

Edit mode button

Add an Activity

To add a BigBlueButton session, you must scroll to the section or week of the course where you wish the activity to appear and select the + Add an activity or resource link:

Add activity or resource button


In the popup menu, click on BigBlueButton and click Add.

BigBlueButton activity highlighted from the activity chooser list

Update Instance type from the dropdown options available. Room with recordings will be selected by default.
Instance type dropdown menu available in BigBlueButton activity settings
Populate Room name and Description (if desired).
Room name and Description fields highlighted in General settings
Update Room Settings, if desired. All settings are selected by default
Room Settings screen
Update Recording view and / or Lock settings if desired. All options are not selected by default.
Recording view and Lock settings screen

Update Role assigned during live session if you require to add additional moderator or ViewerThe course page owner will be allocated as moderator by default.
Role assigned during live session settings
Update other settings if desired. Once complete, click on the Save and return to course button on the base of the screen.
Other settings available with the Save and display button highlighted
Your BigBlueButton Session will now appear on your course page for editing and access.

NOTE: A single BigBlueButton session can be reused as often as you like. If you are delivering a daily Live session, it would be beneficial to create one BigBlueButton activity/session each week. Therefore, students can enter the week 1 sessions from the one location each day. This will help students to find the right session and avoid confusion.