Note: Mahara ePortfolio submissions can be complete directly through Moodle assignment submission so users are not required to update share settings of pages and / or collections.
Mahara ePortfolio pages that you create are set to Private as default.

Locate on click on your Mahara portfolio page from the dashboard.

Image of My portfolios list with arrow highlighting Mahara assignment

Click on the pencil icon on the right panel of the screen to edit.
Image of Pencil icon button used to edit in Mahara
Click on the lock icon to update the pages Edit access.
Image of Lock icon button used for sharing Mahara pages

To generate a shareable link of the Mahara page, click on the + New secret URLs under the Secret URLs section.

To share with others, select the relevant option from the dropdown categories available (Search for..., General, Institutions, Group). 

Image of Edit access screen in Mahara with arrows highlighting + New secret URL and dropdown of list of Shared with categories

Note: if selecting General - Public the mahara page will be searchable by all on the world wide web.

If you select an option from the Search for... dropdown list, an option to search for the individual or person from another dropdown list is available (e.g. if selecting Search for - Person all MIC accounts will be available in the Search for dropdown).

Following this, populate the From and To dates.

Image of From and To fields to be populated in the share settings
Once updated, click on the Save button on the base of the screen. 

The people or group who you have given access to will be notified of this via email to their MIC email account and it will also feature on the Latest Pages block on their dashboard.